Monday, May 16, 2016

Day 9: Ulm / Munich

We traveled by train to Ulm.  All students walked up the Ulm Cathedral steeple...768 steps!

Then, we went trained on to Munich and enjoyed a very wet and cold walking tour with our tour guide.  Well, perhaps not all enjoyed it!

9 walking miles logged today.

Update:  Pictures available here.

Day 8: Sinsheim Technik Museum

We successfully traveled to Sinsheim with the goal of showing the students this crazy "Technik" museum.

So many things (collections) with no seeming organization...airplanes mounted multiple stories in the air...climb the stairs to get in them...slide the slides to get down! 

Coin operated fair-type rides...

A strange and interesting museum with fun for most...

7 miles of walking today...

From Ed:  Today was basically a free day in Stuttgart.  Andi and I got up early to meet our friend at a Church downtown.  To our surprise, they had a live orchestra playing Mozart's requiem for Pentecost!  Amazing.  Later we met the students and took off for the Sindsheim Technick musuem.  We had to make a couple of tight connections to get there in a timely manner, but we made it in about 90 minutes.  When we arrived, they were having a Mustang car show with hundreds of classic and new Mustangs from all over Europe.  The museum itself is more of a collection, a few Cadillacs, some tanks, airplanes, a sewing machine collection, giant marine engines, bikes, and chainsaws.  They have a Concord mounted above the museum in flight and you can walk around in it.  The highlights included giant adult slides and an automated boat jump ride.  We made it back to Stuttgart and chilled out for a while because Monday is a big day.

Photos available here.