Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Day 2 - Freiburg Region Tour

Today was supposed to be an easy day.  We did not start officially until 12:30, but we encouraged the students to go check out the awesome market by the base of the church in the morning.  I think most of them did.  Lots of flowers, fruits, vegetables, meats, and woodent implements.  A real neat place!

We met Herr Schulz at 1:00 and got on the bus for our tour of the black forrest.  We toured a couple of energy efficient farms.  One uses agricultural producs and manure to produce natural gas, which is then used to run a nengine and make electricity.  The other farm uses a heat exchange to extract nenergy from the milk of cows.  They also used wood pellets to heat the farm and generated a lot of electricity from solar power.

Finally we got to go see a couple of wind turbines up close.  They really are amazingly tall and huge.

We had dinner in a 200 year old mill, eating locally produced meats, cheeses, and drinks.  This was a neat experience, but  a couple of people had some tummy troubles.  We finished up the day with a quick tour of Burg Hochburg, one of the largest castles in the region, now in ruins.  Overall, it was an amazing day.  The weather was great and the students all got to see a lot of interesting stuff.

Stats from Andi's pedometer:  8.05 miles, 18,143 steps, 26 flights of stairs.