Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 7 - Free day in Stuttgart

Today we finally get a bit of rest.  Andi and I have been battling a cold this week, so I apologize for not keeping the blog and pictures as updated as normal.  We have been trying to rest up as much as possible in our free time to keep the bug at bay.  Luckily, the students all seem well.  One of our friends in Stuttgart is a doctor, so Andi went Friday to see him and get some antibiotics while I lead the tour of downtown.  I still just have virus symptoms, so I am hoping I can fight it off before I need antibiotics.  Time will tell!

Some students went off to the Wilhelma, a famous zoo.  This was originally palace gardens for a local king.  Some of the original buildings still remain.  A large group is off to nearby Ludwigsburg to see two palaces and the surrounding grounds.  Both palaces were not destroyed during the war as the Allies planned on using them as command posts for the region.  The hunting palace is neat in that there are deer in the area that will come right up to you looking for a handout.

It is almost noon and we are still resting.  Last night was difficult as there were many many police sirens at all hours of the night.  Thankfully, it had nothing to do with our group.  Apparently, some nearby Germans threw a big Saturday night party and the police kept coming to arrest people.  Our students have been pretty good, except for a few that slept through their alarms Saturday morning!

Another excuse for slow updates: the internet connection in Freiburg was terrible!  We had multiple ways to connect, but it was terribly slow and spotty each way.  The hotel wifi in Stuttgart seems much better so I should be able to get some photos online, however they have a limit on the amount you can upload. 

Update: The internet in Stuttgart is fast but we are limited to 1 GB for three days.  I have taken nearly 3,000 photos (~20 GB) and I have selected out the decent ones (1,000 photos, 6 GB) so I may have to wait until we get home to upload.  I will put links to the good photos on this blog and provide Dropbox information to the class if they want to get copies of everything.